Upper Seniors Extra-Curricular

Life beyond the classroom

Throughout the year, DP students have a wide range of extra-curricular activities to get involved in. Some of these include the Biomedical Society, Concert Band, Model United Nations, School Production, Wine Society and much more.

A handful of activities require a fee for participation in external competition or specialist facilities.

Great for University applications

After every one of our three school terms, our DP students can change their choices if they want to. This is so they can sample as many of our free clubs as possible and mix with a wider range of students so they have more opportunity to discover their passions.

Many of our extra-curricular activities can help a student to stand out from the crowd when applying for college or university places.

“Great school, great teachers, very small and friendly, great ECA program.”

– Grant & Natasja, parents of Southbank student

Upper seniors

We offer our DP students a wide range of activities to get involved in, including many that can help them stand out from the crowd when applying for a place at a college or university.


As a Drama Club member, students can audition and rehearse for school productions, write and develop their own works, or help out with lighting and sound.

Model United Nations (MUN)

Students research, debate and try to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Southbank also normally participates in two MUN conferences each year, in Paris and The Hague.


From playing in a rock group, to singing in a choir, to performing solo as an instrumentalist, our DP students can get involved in a huge range of musical activities.

Robotics club

Students have the opportunity to design and build robotic models and ultimately compete internationally for awards. In particular, this activity is highly regarded by US universities.

International School Sports Association

Students can get involved in a range of sports at competitive and non-competitive levels. As a member of the International School Sports Association (ISSA), Southbank regularly competes against other schools in friendly matches and tournaments.

Yearbook club

Members of the club help to bring together photographs and articles that serve as a record of daily life and memorable events from the past year.

Southbank International School

Admissions:(0)20 3890 1969