Lunch, 3rd Term 24/25 for EC & Kindergarten
We are happy to continue with the hot lunch service, provided by Todmorden Foods. The lunches are cooked on the school premises; there is a main course and a dessert or fresh fruit. The cost of the lunches will be £6.70 per day for students in Grade 1 – Grade 5 and £6.45 per day for Early Childhood and Kindergarten students for a total of 40 days.
The cost of lunches for the summer term is as follows:
EC-Kindergarten £258.00 for 40 days
Grade 1, 2 and 5 £268.00 for 40 days
Grade 3 £254.60 for 38 days (on a 2-day residential trip in May)
Grade 4 £247.90 for 37 days (on a 3-day residential trip in May)
Although they will not use nut products, Todmorden Foods cannot guarantee their kitchen is nut-free. On some days beef or pork will be offered, but there will be an alternative of a vegetarian dish or a baked potato with a filling.
We ask families to make a commitment to pay for the entire term. For the summer term, our lunch programme begins on Tuesday 23 April and ends on Tuesday 24 June. On Sports Day (Wednesday 18 June), you will be expected to provide lunch for your child/ren (and of course we have not charged you for this day). When a class is on a field trip, the children will be provided with a sandwich lunch with fresh fruit.
For further information, please contact Allison Parks,