At both of our PYP campuses, we actively encourage our students to get involved in charitable work

We believe this helps to show students how they can make a positive difference to the lives of others. In addition, getting involved can lead to a child discovering new skills, talents and interests.

We work in tandem with our Parent Teacher Association to promote and support a range of charities

The rationale we use to select a charity is that our students must be able to develop a strong connection with it and feel their actions, however small, are helping the charity to make a difference. The charities we are currently supporting are:

Foodbank Aid: North London

A charity which was set up in April 2020 to help North London food banks. They collect, sort & deliver much needed food & household goods for 17 North London food banks.

Heath Hands

Helps conserve 350 hectares of unique green spaces including Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood, Keats House and the Kenwood Estate in North London.

Make A Wish Foundation

A charity that supports children and young people aged between 3 and 17 who are living with life-threatening illnesses. This charity is specifically supported by our school choir.

Migrants Organise

An organisation that helps to organise, mobilise, mentor, train and celebrate migrants and refugees in the UK, helping them to achieve power, dignity and justice.


Team London Young Ambassadors

In March 2017, Southbank received notification from the Office of the Mayor of London that Southbank Hampstead was approved as a Team London Young Ambassador Accredited School.

This award is given to schools with a history of taking action to promote positive change locally, nationally or internationally.

The accreditation team were impressed by initiatives such as Grade 5 gaining the John Muir Environmental Award, our links with local organisations and the wide range of charities we support.

Southbank International School

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